United Reformed Church
Dates for your diary:
5th Sunday Worship with Communion 11am in person and live on Facebook, led by Revd David Scott.
6th Join One O’Clock Gang for fun, food and fellowship, 1 -
12th Sunday Worship 12pm in person and live on Facebook, led by Revd David Scott.
14th Faith Discussion Group will meet at 7.30pm in the upstairs hall at Saughtonhall URC. The eight week course will explore the Bible and
its relevance today. More information here
15h tots@saughtonhall warmly welcomes babies and children up to three years old with their adults on Wednesdays from 9.15-
19th MCT Joint Sunday Worship for Christian Unity with Communion, 11am in person and live on Facebook, led by Revd David Scott.
Organist: Andy Elders
26th Sunday Worship at 12pm in person and live on Facebook, led by Revd David Scott.
Fun and singing at ‘tots’
Brass tacks at MUC joint service
Watchnight service from Saughtonhall URC